Meet The Staff

Bill martin
lead pastor
Bill joined the movement in 2000.
He & his wife Cindy have been pastoring since 1983 serving churches in Denver, New Orleans, the San Francisco bay area before moving to Moreno Valley, CA.
B.S. degree in Production & Operations Management
Master of Divinity degree specializing in New Testament & preaching
-He is passionate about blowing up traditional church stereotypes and communicating (with OK humor and very good theology) the Bible in such a way that anyone could understand it and know what to do with it in their life.

Carrie Jacobs
Worship pastor & Technical director
Carrie joined the movement in 2012.
She's been serving at Movement Church since 2000.
Bachelors degree in Music with an emphasis in Vocal Performance
-She's fed up with people thinking that "worship music" is subpar and boring. Getting fired up and getting loud is not just something we do at sporting events. Being a Christ-follower is exciting and should get that "holy adrenaline" pumping through your veins.

Jacob Malana
Youth Pastor
Jake joined the movement full time in 2014
He's been serving at Movement Church since 2007.
Bachelors degree in Christian Studies with an emphasis in Youth Ministry
-He is extremely passionate about student ministry and loves to develop students who love God, love one another and love to make disciples.

Cindy Martin
Children's Pastor
Cindy joined the movement in 2002.
She's been serving at Movement Church since 2000.
With over 50 years of children's ministry experience, she's served in everything from bus ministry in the inner city of Cleveland Ohio to being a worship pastor...You name it, she's probably done it.
-Cindy's greatest joy is seeing children come to know and love Christ. She says, "seeing children understand the Bible on their level and talk about coming back to church all week long ROCKS!” Taking the easy route to teaching the Bible is NOT acceptable in her mind; teaching the Bible in a way that is forever imprinted on their heart and minds.

Leslie Hitchcock
Accountant, Office Manager +
Leslie joined the movement in 2010.
She's been serving at Movement Church since 2000.
Bachelors Degree in Applied Mathematics and minor in Business Administration
Masters Degree in Public Administration
- She's passionate about keeping things organized and running properly which makes office life great for those who work around her. She may look young, but is a force to be reckoned with.